Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Willow ★✩✩✩✩

Title: Willow

Author: Lee Brazil

Genre: m/m fiction/erotica

Print length: 76 pages

Publication date: November 15, 2012

Rating: One Star

Blurb: Making decisions is sometimes difficult for Willow Shaw, but loving Cade Lawson comes easily. Too bad Cade regards him as too young to know his own mind.

As a favor for an old friend, cop Cade Lawson is keeping a watchful eye on his young neighbor, Willow Shaw. He'd thought that would involve some hanging out, watching movies and heart-to-heart talks on college life.

But the Will who moved into his apartment building wasn't the same little boy who'd worshiped his father's friend. No, this Willow is rowdy, defiant, challenging, and alluring. He stirs feelings that Cade is uncomfortable with.

Cade might be uncomfortable, but Willow Shaw is desperate. He's had a crush on Cade for years, and he'd hoped it would fade away one day. Hiding his growing feelings is his top priority, even if it means acting like a prick, because there is absolutely no way a man like Cade—strong, decisive, handsome, and experienced—is going to be attracted to him.

Just terrible. I'm sorry, I hate to be that person but everything about this book was just off. I've read worse, and when I do, I don't leave reviews. I consider myself a sucker for spending the money and I move on. I have to leave a review here just for the hope that the writer of this novel might read it. Lee Brazil, three things. Revise, revise, revise. I would have given two stars for effort if I felt like any was put in. It's a pity, because I wanted to like it.

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